Monday, 18 February 2013


Trying to sensationalise Goldie’s marital status after her death is sad and an obvious failure on the part of some of the Nigerian press.

It is amazing that our press claims to know so much about the late singer’s background. Her father’s successful banking career and clergy status, her late mum’s exemplary top management banking career and little Susan’s involvement in the church. Yet, despite the one thousand and one interviews she granted, nobody seemed to EVER ask her in lifetime how she got the name HARVEY, since her Dad and Mum don’t bear that name. Investigative journalism is now a thing of the past, only done by people who “are not so busy”.
In these days of junk journalism and lazy copying and pasting in the name of blogging, it is no surprise that a lot of ‘writers’ would cast aspersions on her and insinuate a lot of negative things just to drive traffic to their blogs. They would come up with screaming headlines such as ‘Goldie’s most hidden secret unveiled as husband shares intimate pictures’, ‘The many lies of Goldie’, ‘Goldie and her un-golden side,’ ‘The many things Goldie did not achieve …we planned to have a child this year – husband’,  amongst others.
But how many of them would take time to appreciate the woman who was able to successfully separate her marital life from her career? How many would find out if her true friends and close associates knew her marital status but chose to respect the vow of silence? How many would truly want to find out and respect the reason she chose to be silent on her marital status?
Let us be fair, let us be reasonable in trying to commercialise her death on the pages of magazines and blogs. Let’s do a little finding out before the next post.
Personally, though I didn’t think of her as a great artist, I respected her hustle, I respected her never say die spirit,  I respected her desire to succeed, I loved Skibobo Ribobo and was hoping it would make her blow big time.
And before you ask, NO. She was not my friend.

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